Monday, May 23, 2011

Finally an Announcement in the News Journal

This morning found a notice in the News Journal, finally, that the service change has been postponed.  The article concludes with this:
"Cleon Cauley, DelDOT's acting secretary, said he is still reviewing the proposal and is considering other sites -- ones that would be near the Carvel State Office Building at 820 N. French St."
Great. So then the riders transferring from buses that discharge at Rodney Square would now have to walk 3-4 blocks to 8th and French Street? That doesn't sound much better than the Shipley proposal, to me. Yecch. These guys just don't get it.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Another Take from Dart on the Service Change Postponement

Here's the newest alert from DART, from their website. I'm very curious as to why there has been no press release. The News Journal is, of course, asleep at the switch and as a result, nothing has been posted in the newspaper. Riders without internet access will, of course, have no clue as to what is going on. As usual.

This is different from Friday's notice in DART's e-newsletter, isn't it? Here they refer to WHEN the new service change schedules will be implemented. As if it's a done deal that just had to be postponed for a bit. Yikes. More information needed!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Yakity-Yak Driver Gets Another Complaint

I need to send in a complaint to DART... it'll be the first in a long time. The past two Wednesday nights when I left work late (around 8:30 p.m.) the driver who picked me up was talking on the phone. Yakity-yak, no greetings for boarding passengers, just yakity-yak in a loud piercing Spanish mixed with fluent, unaccented English.

Last week she went on and on about a complaint she'd gotten (what a shock) and how unfair it was, getting sympathy from the male speaker who she had on the speaker phone at a volume that was close to hers. I was sitting a little ahead of the rear door, not at the front, and I could not concentrate on my audiobook... ended up turning it off. Even with earbuds in, her loud voice penetrated. Then there was another call, something about a kid taking a bath. Then back to the first caller, and when that ended she had another,  equally loud call, with a girlfriend. When we got to Rodney Square, a half hour later, she was still talking.

I know drivers are not supposed to do this stuff. The DART guidelines clearly say no loud phone calls, no speaker phones. Why would she think a driver, being paid to transport passengers with all due care, should be paid to talk on her phone? Talking on the phone, even hands-free, has been shown to be a distraction to drivers. I don't like this at all. I felt so annoyed, and I could tell other riders were equally aghast. Just what you want on your ride home after a 12-hour day.

Friday, May 20, 2011

May 22 Service Change on Hold... Yippee!

DART First State
Delaware’s Public Transportation Provider
A Division of DelDOT
May 20, 2011    9:15 AM

This DART Rider e-mail notice is sent to you as part of our continuing effort to keep you aware of the services and programs we offer, and news, including service changes, rider alerts, and system improvements.

Spring 2011 Service Change Postponement Advisory – Until further notice the implementation of the statewide service change set for May 22nd has been postponed.  DART bus routes will continue to operate according to their current route alignments and schedule times.   


Doin' the happy dance! I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw this in my Blackberry inbox this morning. To say I'm happy about this would be a vast understatement. But... it''s not a cancellation, and the e-mail doesn't give us any idea of when, if ever, the change will be implemented. I need to know more...