Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Bus Layover Disrupting Flow at Rodney Square

I took this photo this morning about 8:20. This is something that really gripes me, and I cannot understand why supervisors allow it. This bus was already parked at Rodney Square, along King Street, when I arrived about 8:10 or so. It was NOT pulled up to the corner, as you can see. As the 8:15 buses kept arriving, taking on passengers, and then departing, this bus was taking up space needed by other buses. A little after 8:20 it finally took off. It was not taking passengers, or getting ready to take on passengers. It was just laying over. 

I see buses do this regularly. They pull up, drop their passengers, and then the driver locks up, gets out and goes to get a cup of coffee or whatever, leaving his bus right in the middle of the block. Arriving buses are supposed to pull up behind each other, but with a bus parked smack dab in the middle of the block, not pulling up because there is no driver in it to do so, you have a logistical mess. Some arriving buses will, if there is no room at the back of the line, drive up and park ahead of the layover bus. This is very confusing and difficult for passengers, who don't know where to stand! If they stand down at King and 11th, where some buses are arriving, they may not be able to get up to the far corner, at King and 10th, if the bus they are waiting for jumps to the head. For passengers with disabilities or poor vision, it is even more difficult. If there is a large crowd on the sidewalk, it can be difficult to make it from one end of the block to the other in time to catch your bus.

All this mess caused because one driver decided to "lay over" and temporarily abandon his bus. This just should not be allowed. 

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