Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Bring a Sweater...

The hotter it gets outside, the colder the buses get! Sometimes the AC feels really good, but sometimes if your ride is a long one, you can get quite chilled. It seems contradictory to be in special  need of a sweater when the temperatures climb towards and above 90... but that's life with AC.

That's one of the hard things about summer for me. I don't use air conditioning at home, and have become skilled at keeping cool. But when I go out in the summer, it's a playoff between trying to keep cool, and then intermittently struggling to keep warm - on the bus, or in air-conditioned stores, offices and libraries. Seems nobody has the same idea about what constitutes a proper indoor air temperature. It can vary from over 80 degrees to what feels like less than 65. 

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