Friday, July 20, 2012

Wilmington Needs a Transit Hub

The Rodney Square situation has been going on too long. Why are there transit hubs all over the state of Delaware, but in the biggest population center in this state, the City of Wilmington, there is no real hub? Here in Wilmington, for going on two years, riders have been threatened with dismantling of the Rodney Square hub, with stops to be scattered and dispersed throughout the downtown area. This summer, because of the major renovation to Rodney Square, we've had a small taste of how that would work. The result has been confusion and difficulty for many riders. Others, like me, have been able to just avoid the mess. But that has meant I've done more shopping online, and avoided shopping trips to the local malls and downtown shops. If others have done the same, this has certainly resulted in a loss of revenue to local businesses, both within the city and out in the County.

The big question is - why has designation and implementation of a transit hub for the City of Wilmington not been carried out? A good, efficient public transportation system is one of the hallmarks of a progressive, modern, well-managed city. On many levels it supports retail and other businesses. It improves air quality, reduces center city traffic, makes it possible for disabled and economically challenged folk to get to jobs and doctor appointments.

But still, the political will just is not focused on this element of good government. From what I've read, Mayor Baker has actively tried - repeatedly - to dismantle the Rodney Square transit hub, such as it is. And he has offered no viable alternatives. I find this absolutely disgraceful behavior and very poor management. I hope that those who care about the people of this city, and good public transportation, will take this matter up with the current crop of mayoral candidates.

I was looking at a brochure for Montgomery that was dropped on my doorstep last week. Lots of good ideas, and it appears he does pay his local taxes and water bills, but no mention of the public transportation mess downtown. I think I'm going to go to the Facebook pages and websites of all the candidates and ask some hard questions.

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